Galaxy Angel Wiki

Galaxy Angel (ギャラクシーエンジェル)'is the first visual novel game in the Project G.A. main series, developed and published by BROCCOLI. It is followed by the sequels Galaxy Angel Moonlit Lovers and Galaxy Angel Eternal Lovers.


GA VN gameplay (ship tour)

A gameplay segment of Tact touring the Elsior. The Angel's faces indicate their locations.

For a full-length description/walkthrough, see the Gameplay Walkthrough (incomplete).

Galaxy Angel is primarily a visual novel (VN), punctuated with real-time tactics (RTT) gameplay segments. The VN segments are fairly typical of the genre and straightforward; taking the role of the protagonist, Tact Mayers, the player reads through the dialogue, occasionally making a choice from several presented options that affect the flow of the story. Tact's overall goal is get to know the members of the Moon Angel Troupe. earning their trust and eventually pursuing a romantic relationship with one of them.


On occasion, the player will be given the freedom to move about the Elsior, inspecting the various rooms and meeting the Angels once or twice a chapter. With the exception of the introductory tour, however, Tact can only spend 30 minutes touring the ship at a time, and each room visit takes five minutes, so the player must allocate time accordingly if they want to pursue one of the Angels romantically (which is the end goal).

The decisions the player makes affect the morale and trust of the Angels towards Tact, in turn affecting their combat abilities. For this reason, the player should attempt to keep the Angels happy.

Opportunities to affect the Angel's trust in Tact appear through the entire game and are as simple as paying attention to the story, listening for context clues, and paying attention to what the Angel Troupe expects from you as a commander and partner. This makes the first few chapters of the game important depending on the Angel you chose to date. (Arguably applies to Forte the most, since she isn't easily romanced with the type of affection you see in Milfie's or Ranpha's routes)

By the 7th chapter of the game, the three Angels with the highest trust in Tact will approach him and inform him that they're interested in going on a date with them. You can keep check with how your relationship with the Angels is by visiting Kuromie in the Whale Room during your roaming periods so the Space Whale can determine how the girls feel about you. (Which, again, also ties directly into the combat aspect of the game)

Tactical combat[]

GA RTT gameplay (combat)

The combat segments take place in space, with the player takes command of the Elsior and the Angel Troupe's Emblem Frames, as well as any Imperial Navy ships present. The goal is generally to eliminate all enemies while protecting the Elsior, although some levels will have additional objectives.

Each ship has a varying amount of weapons (with differing damage, range and accuracy values), armor, speed, acceleration, mobility and evasion. Ships have three key stats:

  • Health represents the structural integrity of the ship. When it drops to zero, the ship is destroyed or forced to retreat, although a ship can fight at full strength until it is actually destroyed. Only the Emblem Frames may be repaired in combat, by the Harvester or the Elsior.
  • Energy is required for the ship to function, and is consumed as the ship moves or fights. The Elsior can restore the energy of Emblem Frames.
  • Spirit is only available to the Angel Troupe's Emblem Frames, and increases as the Frame fights or takes damage. When the Frame's spirit bar is full, it can use its special attack.
GA RTT gameplay (overview)

Ships move in three dimensions, although orders can only be issued on a two-dimensional plane. They otherwise behave as if in atmosphere, with top speeds and braking without thrusters (i.e. non-Newtonian spaceflight).

As noted previously, the combat ability of an Emblem Frame is directly affected by its piloting Angel's morale due to the H.A.L.O. System. An elevated morale has significant effects on the Frame's damage, accuracy, evasion and Spirit charge rate.

Plot summary[]

For a full-length description/walkthrough, see the Story Walkthrough.


Eonia Transbaal, a formerly exiled prince of the Transbaal royal family, launches a coup d'etat with an automated fleet of unknown origins. He seizes the capital planet of Transbaal, killing the current monarch, King Gerald, and usurping the throne. However, Eonia is unable to capture the White Moon, the original bringer of Lost Technology to the Transbaal Empire, as the Holy Mother Shatoyan surrounds it with an impenetrable protective field.

On the frontier Criom system, a picket squadron commanded by Tact Mayers encounters an Eonian automated fleet pursuing three members of the Moon Angel Troupe: Milfeulle Sakuraba, Ranpha Franboise, and Forte Stollen. After destroying the pursuit fleet, the Angels lead Tact and his adjutant Lester Coolduras to the Elsior. There they meet four people: Luft Weizen, Tact and Lester's former instructor; Mint Blancmanche and Vanilla H, the remaining members of the Angel Troupe; and Shiva Transbaal, the last surviving member of the Transbaal royal family. Luft appoints Tact the commander of the Elsior and the Moon Angel Troupe, and orders him to escort Prince Shiva, whom Eonia is attempting to capture, to the Rhome system where loyalist forces are gathering. Luft leaves with the Criom system squadron as a decoy to lure Eonia's forces away, allowing the Elsior to escape.

Journey to Rhome[]

Tact leads the Angel Troupe through a series of battles with Eonia's forces, while getting acquainted with the Angels and earning their trust. Along the way, they enlist the aid of the Blancmanche Corporation and encounter the Hell Hounds, a mercenary squadron hired by Eonia to fight the Angel Troupe. The Angels succeed in defeating their Hell Hound nemeses several times, but they always escape to come back later.

The Elsior attempts to link up with elements of the 3rd Regional Navy near Rhome, but is instead ambushed by a fleet under the command of Sherry Bristol, Eonia's right hand. The Elsior escapes only to find Eonia's fleet waiting in strength at their next destination, but are able to hold them off until the arrival of a detachment from the 3rd Regional Navy under the command of General Luft, who had managed to reach Rhome before them.

The loyalist fleet stages a counteroffensive against Eonia's forces gathering near Rhome, and score a major victory. Flush with success, they return triumphantly to Rhome, whereupon Shiva leaves the Elsior. At the strategy meeting on Fargo, in orbit around Rhome, Tact finds that the loyalist admirals have grown overconfident and are more concerned with personal power than winning the war. Luft informs Tact that he and the Angel Troupe are invited to a ball celebrating the victory and Shiva's return, after which he will be relieved of command of the Angel Troupe and the Elsior.

The Black Moon[]

Tact goes to the ball with the Angel closest to him (canonically Milfeulle) as his partner, and they share a last dance together (with the exception of Forte). The party is cut short, however, as Eonia's forces launch an unexpected attack on Rhome and Fargo, decapitating the loyalist military. Tact, the Angel Troupe and Prince Shiva are able to escape to the Elsior, which fights its way past the Eonian blockade and escapes Fargo. Just then, however, the Black Moon fires an immensely powerful energy beam that cracks Rhome open, destroying Fargo with a glancing blow in the process.

As the Angels confront Eonia's forces, Noa activates a field that disables the Elsior, the Emblem Frames, and the Imperial fleet. The defenseless Elsior is mangled by Eonia's forces, until Tact gives a rousing speech to inspire the Angels. This results in the Emblem Frames and the Elsior activating their hidden power, restoring and augmenting their combat capability, the Frames growing large white wings in the process. Rejuvenated, the Angels charge the Black Moon and disable it, although the wings disappear and the Frames lose their power before they can finish it off.

The Elsior and the surviving Imperial fleet withdraw to the other side of Rhome to regroup. Creta Biscuit, the Elsior's engineer, discusses the strange phenomenon experienced by the Emblem Frames and the Elsior, bringing up blueprints for a possible new weapon for the Elsior in the process. Shiva identifies the weapon as being stored in a sealed section of the White Moon, and Tact orders the Elsior to leave for the Transbaal system and the White Moon. Sherry leads a fleet and the Hell Hounds to delay the Elsior, but the Angel Troupe emerges victorious in the resulting battle and Sherry is killed in a failed suicide attack on the Elsior.

The Final Battle[]

The Elsior arrives at the White Moon, Shiva deactivating the protective barrier surrounding the White Moon (the reason Eonia wanted to capture Shiva). Tact and the Angel Troupe meet with Shatoyan, who reveals that the White Moon indeed contains sealed facilities for weapons manufacturing, and that the Black Moon is a twin of the White Moon. Shatoyan identifies the weapon in the blueprints as the Chrono Break Cannon, which was originally attached to the Elsior, but removed by the original discoverers of the White Moon as it was too powerful. She reattaches the Chrono Break Cannon to the Elsior and releases the limiters on the Emblem Frames, enabling them to fight continuously in their powered-up form.

Before the upcoming battle, Tact spends some time with his partner Angel, which may (depending on player choices) lead to a breakup. The next day, Eonia's main force arrives, demanding the surrender of the White Moon. The Angel Troupe confronts Eonia's fleet and defeats it, forcing Eonia's flagship and the Hell Hounds to retreat to the Black Moon. With ten minutes of charging time left on the Chrono Break Cannon, the Elsior charges at Eonia's flagship, even as Luft's fleet arrives to reinforce them.

In response, Noa activates the powered-up, winged forms of the Hell Hounds' Dark Angels, subsuming their pilots in the process. The Angels are subsequently forced to put the Hell Hounds down for good. The Elsior then fires the Chrono Break Cannon, completely destroying Eonia's flagship and killing him.

Just as the battle is seemingly won, the Black Moon addresses the heroes. It reveals that the Noa they know is merely its interface, and that it was using Eonia as a pawn, before attempting to merge with the White Moon. Shatoyan and Shiva implore Tact to destroy the Black Moon, but are suddenly cut off. The Angel Troupe clear a path for the Elsior to attack the Black Moon, but it comes under heavy fire and is severely damaged; only the timely intervention of Takuto's partner Angel saves it. Finally, the Elsior fires the Chrono Break Cannon a second time, hitting the core of the Black Moon and destroying it.

The ending has several variations, depending on player decisions made throughout the game.

  • By default, with Transbaal saved, Takuto is commended by Grand Emperor Shiva and the newly appointed Prime Minister Luft. Under the pretext of searching for remnants of Eonia's forces, Tact and the Elsior are commissioned to search the borders of the Empire for any other Lost Technology that may threaten the Empire, his partner Angel accompanying him.
  • If Tact is in a relationship with Milfeulle, she retires from the Angel Troupe after losing her ability to pilot an Emblem Frame in the final battle. Tact resigns his naval commission in order to join her, leaving Lester to command the Elsior.
  • If Tact is in a relationship with Forte, she replaces Lester (who is transferred to a different fleet) as Tact's adjutant.
  • If Tact broke up with his girlfriend, he and Lester are transferred out of the Angel Troupe and back into the regular navy. (Which could pave the way for Chitose's entrance in Moonlit Lovers, but considering the context in the second game is just that Tact never got around to dating any of the five original Angels this ending is non-canon)
  • If the player completed the Shiva subroute (explained on the walkthrough), Shiva refuses to take the throne, and Luft becomes President of the Transbaal Republic. Shiva instead rejoins Shatoyan on the White Moon. (This ending is also non-canon, as Shiva is Empress in the sequels Moonlit Lovers and Eternal Lovers.)

Theme Songs[]


Limited Edition[]

GA-Game-Package win ga
Platform: Windows
Media: CD-ROM
Release Date: August 23, 2002
Price: 9,240円 (including tax)
  • Limited to 10,000 copies
  • Splendorous Booklet
  • Soundtrack CD

Super Limited Edition Milfeulle Pack[]

GA Milf Limited
Platform: Windows
Media: CD-ROM
Release Date: August 23, 2002
Price: 13,440円 (including tax)
  • Limited to 10,000 copies
  • Splendorous Booklet (same as limited edition)
  • Soundtrack CD (same as limited edition)
  • Pre-painted Figurine
  • T-shirt
  • Sticker

Super Limited Edition Mint Pack[]

GA Mint Limited
Platform: Windows
Media: CD-ROM
Release Date: August 23, 2002
Price: 13,440円 (including tax)
  • Limited to 10,000 copies
  • Splendorous Booklet (same as limited edition)
  • Soundtrack CD (same as limited edition)
  • Pre-painted Figurine
  • T-shirt
  • Sticker

DVD-ROM Edition[]

Platform: Windows
Media: DVD-ROM
Release Date: December 20, 2002
Price: 9,240円 (including tax)

Xbox Edition[]

GA Xbox
Platform: Xbox
Rating: CERO: 12
Release Date: January 23, 2003
Price: 7,140円 (including tax)

Playstation 2 Edition[]

Platform: Playstation 2
Rating: CERO: 12
Release Date: April 17, 2003
Price: 7,140円 (including tax)

Broccoli Best Quality Edition[]

Platform: Playstation 2
Rating: CERO: 12
Release Date: February 23, 2006
Price: 2,940円 (including tax)

Download Edition[]

Platform: Windows
Media: Download Only
Release Date: January 31, 2008
Price: 2,800円 (including tax)

Packages which include a copy of this game[]


  • The PC CD-Rom version should be patched to 1.10. The PC DVD-Rom version has the patch already applied.
  • A fan-made translation for this game was released on December 20, 2009, but has been taken down indefinitely as of May 24, 2013[1] with an exception; in
     was yet a link to download that patch.

External links[]


  1. New patch policy. Seiha Translations

