“ | I don't care if it's impossible, now, say it! L.I.L.Y | ” |
– Lily C. Sherbet |
Lily Caramel Sherbet (リリィ・C・シャーベット Ririi C Shābetto) is the second member and the original leader of the Rune Angel Troupe and pilots the Eagle Gazer. She hails from the planet of Seldar, the capital of NEUE, and is a proud member of its distinguished knights. She is the counterpart of Forte Stollen, with whom she shares a teacher-student relationship while her role in combat draws parallels to Chitose.
Lily's uniform consists of a jacket-like top that bares her midriff and a skirt that's rather short; the outfit's color scheme is mainly a white, black, and gold combination with several blue elements, such as her sleeves. Like Forte, Lily wears a long, cape-like coat that reaches down to her legs. Her hair, which reaches her shoulders and hides her left eye, is dark blue, while her eyes are different colors as a result of being a 'half-blood'; her right eye, the one she shows normally, is blue while her left eye is a hereditary red from her mother's side. This eye is usually covered by her bangs and even then, she hides this fact by wearing blue contacts.
At the end of the final game, Lily retains the same uniform but has cut her bangs and removes the contact lens to reveal her hereditary eye color.
“ | Do you dare doubt us? Very well, allow us to show you! The proof of our love! | ” |
Hailing from the life of military professionalism, Lily's dedication to order, teamwork, and protocol is second to none and while is no longer her unit's captain, Lily still provides much of the team's backbone when it comes to behaving like a proper military unit. This is exemplified by her always addressing them by last name and rank, with the exception of Kazuya and Steline. In adherence to her training, Lily respects her superiors and seniors immensely and firmly trusts in their decisions, as seen when she held no qualms to Tact's decision to place Kazuya as the unit's leader. The authority she puts above all else however remains to her planet and king, and Lily holds very little tolerance to those who might show informality or disrespect toward him.

Lily keeps her blade with her at all times, a habit of hers from her days as a member of her planet's royal guard and she goes as far to say that she feels uneasy without it. She regularly trained in the Training Room to improve herself and took Kazuya under her wing to improve his general physique. However, her strict lifestyle was the cause for her lack of understanding in social interactions. For example, she viewed group activities as social training and she had an obscured viewpoint in forming closer relationships. This proved to be her main issue in her route conflict in ZR but she gradually become more comfortable as she stayed with her team.
Lily's quirks stemmed from her serious nature and how she sometimes failed to understand several social cues due to her strict, no-nonsense lifestyle. This is easily seen by her concise and straightforward form of speech and her usage of "OK" or "NG" to quickly denote a positive or negative reaction. Her stubbornness to get things right also stem for her strict background and if she happened to fail at a task, she will keep trying until she succeeded or learnt of a better way to approach the situation. While this applies to her training, it also extended to mundane activities such as playing games or trying to look for a lost item. Similarly, Lily appraised others for sticking with their decisions and appreciated brutal honesty. However, her usually stern demeanor is contrasted by her unexpectedly eccentric tendencies. Her usual tough exterior hides the rather common fact that she is emotional and is incredibly prone to crying in times of great joy or sadness. She is also known for loud outbursts that surprise others as while she may be exclaiming something random, people are used to her commanding voice and hear it as an order.
As Kazuya's romantic partner, Lily herself mentions both inside and outside her routes that she is no expert in love. Her entire life was devoted to her planet and king and she mentions that although she expects herself to be slow in adapting, she feels extremely happy knowing that she was shown this experience that she wouldn't have found otherwise. Arguably, Lily and Kazuya share the most mature of relationship but this is contrasted by the usually comedic tones of her route conflicts. Lily rarely ever becomes embarrassed or shy around Kazuya and her expressions of love are very straightforward and to the point. Lily notably shows very little "femininity" in her side of the relationship and rarely ever acts girly. While Lily is aware that Kazuya is the less masculine and physically inferior between them, Lily does not factor in such things in her thoughts of him. However, she was genuinely touched when Kazuya expressed some happiness in seeing her weaker side in EK as he finally got to be the one protecting the two of them. Similar to Rico who would hold Kazuya closer to her heart than her sister in her route, Lily essentially viewed Kazuya more important than her duty as a knight to her planet.