- 100% LOVE
- 3 o'clock Delivery, Angel Combination Platter
- A Never Before Seen Mystery Carpaccio
- A String of Handmade Noodles with No Connection
- Acting Angel Seafood Soup
- Admiral Rezom
- Aila Caramel
- All-You-Can-Eat Juicy Yakiniku
- All Okay Location Lunchbox
- Almo Blueberry
- Amusement Park Specialties with Chicken Mint Compote
- An Offering That You Must Not Eat
- An Oyster Fried Very Shameful
- Anata Aishiteru Kara
- Angel! Love!
- Angel Banana Discount
- Angel Challenge Jelly Trial
- Angel Chronicle
- Angel Dark Space Chazuke
- Angel Hotchpotch Taste Test
- Angel Kiss Gateau de Milfeulle
- Angel Troupe
- Angel Wasshoi!
- Angelic Steamed Fish Paste
- Angelic Symphony
- Angel★Rock 'n' Roll
- Angel★Ukki
- Anim Harcourt
- Anise Azeat
- Anise Azeat/Game Synopsis
- Anise Azeat/Other Media
- Anyway Angel Morning Set
- Apprentice Magi
- Apricot Sakuraba
- Areruia Will
- Arms Alliance
- Ashita no Tamago
- Assorted Rock Candy Delivery
- Astral Parfait
- Astral Sorbet
- Atashi Tachi ga Nº 1
- Atatame Masu Ka
- Attack! Combat Professional-Rune
- Avenger Ale
- Aymur Cudgel
- Azeat
- Baby Don't Cry
- Bamboo-Cutter Platter
- Barmell
- Bars-Zeo
- Baseball and Negligee Glace
- Battle! Rival Senior~unes
- Battleship (VF)
- Baum-kuhen to Worry Over
- Believe in Your Heart
- Benedictine Pike
- Bianca Mateus
- Black Moon
- Blancmanche Merchant
- Blizzard Love
- Board Girl Special Secret Friend Roll
- Boiled Flounder in Curry
- Boiled Tiger of Trauma
- Boiling! Hot Spring Commercial-Rune
- Bokura Hayo~Kina Senshasan
- Boogie Woogie☆Troublemaker
- Booklet Starter Book vol.2
- Books
- Born to be happy
- Brenda Glucini
- Broken-up Hot Spring Rice Cracker
- CR Galaxy Angel
- Cade-Xio
- Calvados Cudgel
- Camus O. Laphroaig
- Canned Angel with Gun Turret
- Caraway
- Caring Soba
- Carrier (VF)
- Carrier (Will)
- Cause your Love ~Shiroi Melody~
- Central Globe
- Characters
- Charger
- Charger Ship
- Chilled Mackerel with a Prize
- Chisa Tanabe
- Chitose Karasuma
- Chrono Break Cannon
- Chrono Gate
- Chrono Quake
- Chrono Quake Bomb
- Chrono Space
- Chrono String Engine
- Chrono Strings
- Cinderella Graffiti
- Civilian Ships
- Coco Nutmilk
- Combustible Fried Broken Heart
- Commander Flavored Invasion
- Competitive Sake Full of Predictions
- Continuously Pushed Sweet Red Bean Soup
- Cookie
- Coronet Choucroute
- Cosmos yori Ai wo Komete
- Creta Biscuit
- Croix Blort
- Cruiser (VF)
- Cruiser (Will)
- Crust Breaker
- Cruza-Xio
- Crystal Doll
- Dandan Gangan Beatbeat
- Dark Angels
- Darno Blancmanche
- Datte... Nan da Mon
- Debut! New Idol-Rune
- Deco Pizza
- Deep Fog Sorbet
- Deep Fried Egg Rolls of Love
- Deep Fried Love Letter
- Deluxe Milfeulle Surprise Sandwich
- Deras-Xio
- Deriana Maccaral
- Destroyer (VF)
- Destroyer (Will)
- Devastra
- Di Gi Charat
- Dieta
- Dieta Dist
- Divine Sorbet
- Dorten Bein
- Dotabata☆AngeLoop
- Dota☆Bata☆Fiesta
- Downtown Soulfood ODEN
- EDEN Civilization
- Ecco Frite
- Elsior
- Emblem Frame
- Eonia Transbaal
- Eternal Love
- Eternal Love (11 person ver)
- Fairy Ark
- Fantastic Shimasho♪
- Fast Attack Ship (Will)
- Fast Attack Ships (VF)
- Femto
- Field Canceller
- Fight-Fight ga Tomaranai
- Final Dish REBECCA
- Fish Jerky Over A Thousand Nights
- Five Sukiyaki Lunchboxes
- Floating Battery
- Flower Revolution
- For You
- Forbidden Meuniere; Alluring Grated Yam Topping
- Forte's Ruinous Stew and a Dash of Trouble
- Forte Stollen
- Fortuitous Family Set
- Fortune Love ~Unmei no Megami wa Atashi no Mikata~
- Frequently Ordered Sushi
- Fresh Catch; Miraculous Boat-Wrap Sushi
- Fresh Packed Fish
- Full Tilt
- GA-001 Lucky Star
- GA-002 Kung-Fu Fighter
- GA-003 Trick Master
- GA-004 Happy Trigger
- GA-005 Harvester
- GA-006 Sharp Shooter
- GA-007
- GA1-1-E01: Enter the Angel Brigade
- GA1-1-E02: A Scale of Strong Luck
- GA1-1-E03: Fortune-Telling Commotion
- GA1-1-E04: A Mistress's Melancholy
- GA2-1-E01: Enlistment, Rune Angels
- GA2-1-E02: The Omen
- GA2-1-E03: The Rouge Treasure Hunter
- GA2-1-E04: The Price of Treatment
- GA2-1-E05: Tears of a Witch
- GA2-1-E06: Return of the Knight
- GA2-1-E07: Operation Recapture Seldar
- GA2-2-E01: United Parallel Worlds
- GA2-2-E02: A Surprise Reassignment
- GA2-3-E01: Sign
- GA2-3-E11: Eternal Recurrence
- GA2 Heroine Ending Collection -Angel Museum-
- GA Angel Soldier A - Dual Angels
- GA Character File Selection Angel Charge
- GA Happiness Quest
- GA Vocal Album: Eternal Songs
- GA avatar gungho
- GA mobile phone theme
- Galactic Rose Tea
- Galaxy Angel
- Galaxy Angel/Anime
- Galaxy Angel/Books
- Galaxy Angel/Discography
- Galaxy Angel: Moridakusan Tenshi no Full Course Okawari Jiyuu
- Galaxy Angel (game)
- Galaxy Angel (game)/Gameplay Walkthrough
- Galaxy Angel (game)/Story Walkthrough
- Galaxy Angel (game)/Video Walkthrough
- Galaxy Angel (manga)
- Galaxy Angel 3rd
- Galaxy Angel A
- Galaxy Angel Best
- Galaxy Angel Beta
- Galaxy Angel Beta Volume 1
- Galaxy Angel Beta Volume 2
- Galaxy Angel Character Collection
- Galaxy Angel Character Files
- Galaxy Angel Dating Sim RPG
- Galaxy Angel Dawn of Huskarl
- Galaxy Angel Duet
- Galaxy Angel EX
- Galaxy Angel Encyclopedia
- Galaxy Angel Eternal Lovers
- Galaxy Angel Eternal Lovers/CG Gallery
- Galaxy Angel Eternal Lovers CG Gallery
- Galaxy Angel Eternal Lovers Mission Guide
- Galaxy Angel Eyecatch Gallery
- Galaxy Angel II
- Galaxy Angel II/Discography
- Galaxy Angel II: Eternal Recurrence
- Galaxy Angel II: Gate to the Absolute
- Galaxy Angel II: Key to the Infinite Corridor
- Galaxy Angel II & I Duet CD
- Galaxy Angel II Angel's Wing Resting
- Galaxy Angel II Concept Art Gallery
- Galaxy Angel II Eigō Kaiki no Toki CG Gallery
- Galaxy Angel II Eigō Kaiki no Toki Mission Guide
- Galaxy Angel II Eyecatch/Endcard Gallery
- Galaxy Angel II Gameplay Guide
- Galaxy Angel II Mugen Kairō no Kagi CG Gallery
- Galaxy Angel II Mugen Kairō no Kagi Mission Guide
- Galaxy Angel II Starter Book
- Galaxy Angel II Starter Book vol.2
- Galaxy Angel II Volume 1
- Galaxy Angel II Volume 2
- Galaxy Angel II Volume 3
- Galaxy Angel II Zettai Ryōiki no Tobira CG Gallery
- Galaxy Angel II Zettai Ryōiki no Tobira Mission Guide
- Galaxy Angel Monthly CDs
- Galaxy Angel Moonlit Lovers
- Galaxy Angel Moonlit Lovers/Gameplay Walkthrough
- Galaxy Angel Moonlit Lovers/Story Walkthrough
- Galaxy Angel Musical
- Galaxy Angel Party
- Galaxy Angel Rune
- Galaxy Angel Volume 1
- Galaxy Angel Volume 2
- Galaxy Angel Volume 3
- Galaxy Angel Volume 4
- Galaxy Angel Volume 5
- Galaxy Angel X
- Galaxy Angel X'mas CD
- Galaxy Angel Z
- Galaxy Angel de Series
- Galaxy Full Course
- Galaxy★Bang! Bang!
- Galaxy☆Baban ga Bang!
- Gamble Milfeulle Sauce
- Garam Azeat
- Garret
- Gate Keeper
- Gear Gern
- Genievres Hatchet
- Gerald Transbaal
- Gern
- Gessei no Canon
- Gessei no Canon - p.s.abyss
- Get Happy
- Gezel
- Ghost in the Jam
- Give me! Chocolate!
- Glass iro Sensation!
- Glitter Clunk Mixed Juice
- Gloria Sword Battlecruiser
- Go! Go! Rune-Angels
- Go! Go! Rune Angel
- Go Ahead, Rice Cooker
- Good-bye to Our Steaming Teapot
- Good Day, Good Night
- Gracaeser Pike
- Gran Verel
- Greyzone wo Uchinuite
- Grilled Girl in a Box
- Grog Metabuha
- Guinness Stout
- Gun Shot Bandage Roll Sushi Bowl
- Gun Smoke & Tobacco Smoke Cassoulet
- Guru Guru Love
- H.A.L.O. System
- Hajimari no Kirakira Boshi
- Hamon Zerbec
- Hana iro Nikki
- Hanamaru Wonderful
- Hane wo Yasumeru Tenshi-tachi
- Happy Day Ikou!
- Happy Flight
- Happy Holiday
- Happy Question
- Harcourt
- Healing Ship
- Heavy Battleship (Will)
- Hell Hounds
- Herea
- Hexa-Cross Break
- Hi! Crepe Jack
- Hibiki Takuma
- History is a Princess Melon
- Hitman's Russian Tea
- Holy Blood
- Horoscope Rhapsody
- Horrible! Rainy Day Call-Rune
- Hug Hug Fish Pot
- Hyper Blaster
- Hyper Weapon
- Ikusabune
- In-Flight Meal (Excuses Curry Loaded with Ingredients)
- In my heart
- In the Chaos
- Infinite Corridor
- Isabella Essence
- Itoshi no Hamabe
- Izayoi Seigi
- Jalalala Love
- Jelly Beans
- Jiggly Pudding
- Junk Ramen, Extra Noodles Available
- Juno
- Juri Melanzana
- Kahlua Marjoram
- Kahlua Marjoram/Game Synopsis
- Kashinami Ryuseigun
- Kazuya Izumi
- Kazuya Shiranami
- Kela Hazel
- Kelsie
- Kelvin Crepe