The emblem of the Moon Angel Wing

Clockwise from starting from the upper left: Lucky Star, Kung-Fu Fighter, Trick Master, Sharpshooter, Harvester, Happy Trigger.
The Moon Angel Troupe (ムーンエンジェル隊 ) or the Moon Angel Wing is the paramilitary unit of the first Galaxy Angel franchise and real-world Seiyuu unit of the Project G.A. media. For short, they are dubbed the Angel Brigade for the anime media.
In-Game Overview[]
They piloted the EDEN-type Emblem Frames who were initially assigned to be the guardians of the White Moon. Their duties eventually became that of the vanguard of the Transbaal Military as they were called into active duty during the events of Eonia's Coup and were led by the Admiral Luft Weizen and stationed on the Elsior on a mission to escort the last surviving member of the royal family to safety. Luft handed down this duty and privilege to lead the unit to Tact Mayers.
Recognized for their victory against Eonia's coup against overwhelming odds, the Moon Angel Wing received further acclaim and became legends after defending the Transbaal Empire from the Val-Fasq invasion and defeating the Val-Fasq once and for all on their homeworld, subsequently preventing the apocalypse by negating the Chrono Quake Bomb. The unit was disbanded with the discovery of new Emblem Frames in the parallel universe of NEUE in TCY 417 and was succeeded by the Rune Angel Troupe. While disbanded, they still continued to fight against the conflicts in the neighboring universe and assisted their successors on many occasions.
While originally a team of five, Karasuma Chitose entered service in the early stages of the Val-Fasq invasion following Eonia's coup. Forte Stollen acted as the unit's leader.
Early History[]
In one of Kanan's Galaxy Angel art books, (specifically, KANAN: Monotone) there is a short textless manga section that reveals the events of the Moon angel Troupe becoming a group of five before Eonia's coup:
Admiral Luft summons Forte to his office to inform her of the arrival of two new members of the Angel Troupe, Milfeulle and Ranpha. After they get acquainted, they go to the White Moon where they meet Shatoyan and Prince Shiva in order to receive the Lucky Star and Kung-Fu Fighter, but Shiva is displeased with their presence for an unknown reason. In another panel, Prince Shiva can be seen in the cockpit of a ship, and with the context of the previous panel it's likely that Shiva was able to pilot the Lucky Star and refused to let Milfie pilot it. In the end, Milfie gets her Emblem Frame and the Angel Troupe becomes a proper unit.
Member Data[]
Member | Emblem Frame | Voice Actress |
Milfeulle Sakuraba | GA-001 Lucky Star | Ryoko Shintani |
Ranpha Franboise | GA-002 Kung-Fu Fighter | Yukari Tamura |
Mint Blancmanche | GA-003 Trick Master | Miyuki Sawashiro |
Forte Stollen | GA-004 Happy Trigger | Mayumi Yamaguchi |
Vanilla H | GA-005 Harvester | Mika Kanai |
Chitose Karasuma | GA-006 Sharp Shooter | Saori Goto |
- Galaxy Angel de SHOUT!
- Galaxy Angel de FEVER!
- GA Character File Selection Angel Charge
- Galaxy Angel Best Vocal CD
- Sweet Winter