The Cross Caliber is the orange Emblem Frame piloted by Apricot Sakuraba. The Cross Caliber's functions are very similar to Rico's sister Milfeulle Sakuraba's Lucky Star. It is small and light, giving it good agility.
Technical Overview[]
Hyper Weapon[]
- Hyper Blaster Cannon: With similar unit-type and weaponry as her sister's Lucky Star, it is the Cross Caliber's hyper weapon firing two extremely high-power energy beams from its main guns. Unlike the latter, its offensive capabilities are slightly reduced only penetrating through multiple targets as long as they are in a straight line. Unless the first ship in a line is destroyed, the ones behind will not be damaged but can damage enemy ships that are near the concentrated beam's impact.
Cross Caliber is the most balanced of the NEUE Emblem Frames and has above average stats in all fields. Decent offensive capabilities while fair range and movement. The Cross Caliber's stats remain mostly the same throughout three games. Once romanced, all stats receive an enormous boost, with speed and fuel consumption being near maxed out. Much like Rico's sister, the Cross Caliber is essentially the successor to the Lucky Star. In ZR, the Hyper Blaster would ensure a one-kit KO to its targets. In the 2 next sequels, the Hyper Blaster will deal continuous damage to the first target in the line of fire and nearby enemies. If the target is destroyed, the beam will pierce through and damage the enemies behind it.
- The unit is the Rune Angel Troupe equivalent to Milfeulle's Hyper Star being the same unit-type thus possessing similar combat parameters and weaponry. The only difference is the pilots despite being sisters but with respective preferences in color in which Rico's is orange.